03/ imos NET
imos NET is our internet based presentation and ordering system for innovative eBusiness solutions. Based on the motto “sales-to-machine“, imos offers integrated online solutions for selling furniture on the internet with a direct connection to imos CAD/CAM for the furniture production.
imos NET: Customer Online Portals are an Internet-based sales and production platform that allows companies such as board resellers, panel producers and manufacturers to offer their CAM services to smaller carpenters. The platform has integrated tools for furniture design and configuration, panel and sheet optimisation, instant pricing and documentation production.
2D and 3D Room Planning
Perfect for interior planning and presentation at the Point-of-Sale: the 2D/3D room planning offers individual and multi room systems with intelligent furniture positioning, inserting articles per Drag&Drop, real-time visualization, global modification of surfaces in the complete planning or from individual article groups or a virtual walk through the room. Furniture and decoration can be selected with a few clicks and put in the limelight. A photorealistic presentation is possible in every planning phase. The operation is intuitive and self-explanatory

eBusiness solutions
The complete ordering process on the Internet is uninterrupted for the customer. Examples for the sales and order processes via imos NET are direct marketing, trading or production outsourcing. Numerous solutions for the order configuration are in use - for both B2B and B2C.
imos NET is the internet based presentation and ordering system for innovative eBusiness solutions. According to the motto “sales-to-machine“, imos offers integrated online solutions for selling furniture on the internet with a direct connection to imos CAD/CAM for the furniture production.